AICP Exam Prep, Scholarship and Workshops

To become a certified planner, entitled to use the AICP designation, American Planning Association (APA) members must meet certain education and experience requirements and pass a written examination. The AICP Certification Exam is given twice each year, in May and November. The first step is to complete and submit an application and the exam fee by a specified deadline (typically 5 to 6 months in advance of the testing window). Once your application is accepted, you may register to take the exam. Information about the AICP process can be found at

AICP Exam Study Group, Scholarship, Workshop Recordings, and Additional Study Info


The name, email address and zip code of over 850 Texas planners appear on the Professional Development Officer’s (PDO) list of planners who have expressed an interest in taking the exam in the next few testing cycles. To encourage the formation of AICP exam study groups in specific areas of the state, an official study group list has been created that is sorted by zip code. All Texas planners intending to take the exam in the near future are encouraged to contact those in their area by email to set up study groups, to share information, and to help each other stay focused and motivated in your preparation for the exam. To obtain a copy of the official Texas Chapter study group list for Spring 2025, please email a request to Richard Luedke, AICP, APA Texas Chapter PDO at


The American Institute of Certified Planners and the APA Texas Chapter encourage those with financial hardships to become AICP members by taking advantage of the AICP Certification Diversity Scholarship program, which offers assistance to those individuals who may defer taking or are unable to take the AICP exam because of the high cost. The Diversity Scholarship reduces the exam registration fee from $305 to $85, a $220 savings. A total of 50 scholarships were available nationwide for the May 2025 AICP exam. The 50 scholarship recipients were selected through a lottery system. The application deadline was February 28, 2025, at 3:00 pm. Those who were NOT selected for one of the 50 nationwide Diversity Scholarships offered by APA in March or those who missed the application deadline are eligible for a Diversity Scholarship provided by the Texas Chapter. To apply for a Texas Chapter Diversity Scholarship, please send an email to Richard Luedke, AICP, Texas Chapter PDO at confirming that your employer does not cover the exam fee. The scholarship will be in the form of a reimbursement once a verification of the exam appointment is provided. Texas Chapter Diversity Scholarships are also available for the Experience Assessment fees in June if your employer does not cover the cost.


AICP Exam Part I Workshop Recording (Free)

The AICP Part I Workshop held on Saturday, January 11, 2025 at the University of Texas at Arlington, provided an overview of what to expect when preparing for the AICP exam. This 4-hour workshop focused on helpful tips on how to study and identified test preparation strategies. The major topic areas of the exam were outlined, and sample test questions were presented. The PowerPoint presentation used at the workshop can be requested by sending an email to PDO Richard Luedke, AICP, at

To view the workshop recording, please use the link below:

AICP Exam Part I Workshop Recording Link UTA 1-11-25

AICP EXAM Part II WORKSHOP Recording $50

This 6-hour workshop, which was held on Saturday, February 15, 2025, features the nation's leading AICP Exam Preparation Instructor, Dr. Jennifer Cowley, FAICP, who provided a deep dive on how to approach questions on the exam and guided participants through the thought process to identify the best answer. The Part II workshop recording may be purchased for $50.

To purchase the recording, please use the link below:

LINK to Purchase Recording of the AICP Exam Part II Workshop February 15, 2025

Once the purchase is complete in Eventbrite, a link to the recording can be found on the attendee event page.

2020 Chapter Presidents Council Study Manual for the AICP Certification Exam

The 2020 Chapter Presidents Council (CPC) Study Manual for the AICP Certification Exam is now available. Please keep in mind that this manual was written under the old five-part exam outline used before 2022; however, the 2020 CPC Study Manual is an excellent resource for exam preparation and covers all of the same material. Please refer to slide number 18 from the AICP Exam Part I Workshop presentation, which is attached, to compare the current exam outline to the outline used prior to 2022.


A summary of The Practice of Local Government Planning by ICMA (aka the “Green Bible”) is available along with a file containing summary notes from various Planning topics. To obtain a copy of either of these items, please email your request to PDO Richard Luedke, AICP at the

If you have any questions, please contact:

Richard Luedke, AICP

Texas Chapter Professional Development Officer

(817) 938-4409

If you have any questions, please contact:

Richard Luedke, AICP

Texas Chapter Professional Development Officer

(817) 938-4409

Helpful Articles

Ten Tips for Passing the AICP Exam

Texas APA - AICP Study Materials

AICP Exam Prep from APA

AICP Exam Practice Questions

AICP Code of Ethics

AICP Ethics Quiz

AICP Ethics Quiz (Answers)

Preparing for the AICP Exam (2016) *Caution Old Format Exam*

Cracking the AICP (2014) *Caution Old Format Exam*

Cracking the AICP (2012) *Caution Old Format Exam*

AICP Exam Prep Training (2004) *Caution Old Format Exam*

Other materials not specifically endorsed by the Chapter or APA:

Practice Exams (

Practice Quizzes and Material (

Florida APA - Treasure Coast Section AICP Resources

The Treasure Coast Section of the APA Florida Chapter has prepared an AICP Exam Study Links page with information about the exam. The page includes exam study links from other APA Chapters.