2013 Galveston
Select session presentations from the 2013 APA Texas Conference have been made available for reference purposes. Please click on the PDF links to view PowerPoint presentations.
- Not Those People - Addressing Hostile NIMBYism
- Addressing Freight Transportation Challenges in Texas in the 21st Century [Error 500]
- Addressing Freight Transportation Challenges in Texas in the 21st Century - Freight North Texas [Error 500]
- Building Support and Engaging Citizens in Planning Efforts
- Changing Commuting Patterns and Impacts on Planning Infrastructure [Error 500]
- Climate Change and Coastal Communities [Error 500]
- Comprehensive Plans That Build Off Water Assets
- Digging Deep in the Planning Toolbox - Incentivizing Better Urban Form [Error 500]
- Enabling Cutting Edge Sustainability - Creating Regulatory Tools [Error 500]
- Evaluating Transit Sustainability Principles for Houston-Galveston Corridor - Alternatives Analysis
- Everything You Wanted to Know About Parking and More [Error 500]
- Food Truck Phenomena - Galvani
- Food Truck Phenomena - Jacquelyn Reyff [Error 500]
- Food Truck Phenomena - Alexis Jackson [Error 500]
- Land Use Aspects of Natural Gas Drilling [Error 500]
- Let Us Tell You About Historic Preservation [Error 500]
- MAP-21 - Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century
- New Trends in Urban Planning and Development - Impact on Parking Transit and Community Transportation [Error 500]
- Planning for Economic Prosperity
- Quantifying Cool - The Value of Linear Parks, Trails, and Green Space [Error 500]
- The ABCs of SOBs
- Social Media and Ethics - Navigating the Social-Media Minefield
- Sustainable Places Project - The Next Generation of Scenario Planning Analytics [Error 500]
- University Community Partnerships in Low-Income Countries [Error 500]
- University Community Partnerships
- Urban Design Peer Review - Informing City-Shaping Decisions
- You've Adopted a Form-Based Code—Congratulations, Now What?
Short Course
- Complete Streets - A Planner's Toolbox
- Comprehensive Plans and Long-Range Plans
- Everything You Wanted to Know About Parking and More
- From 30,000 Feet to Down on the Ground
- Introduction to Planning
- Roles, Ethics, and More - Responsibilities of Elected and Appointed Officials
- Subdivision Regulations
- Understanding the Development Process From Start to Finish
- Zoning Ordinance Fundamentals
Miscellaneous Presentations
- AICP Exam Workshop - Changes in Exam and Readings
- AICP Exam Workshop - Part Two - Functional Topics
- Can Detroit Happen Here?
- The Economic Impact of Tourism on Galveston Island Texas [Error 500]
- Waves of Change