Legislative Advocacy and Alerts
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View the APATX Advocacy Committee Legislative Bill Tracker
Bills scheduled for Committees (with dates)
HB 1171
Relating to a study on state land use to facilitate health and wellness for veterans. Scheduled for House Veteran's Affairs on Monday 3/24.
HB 2015
Relating to the consideration of water conservation by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality when determining whether to grant or deny a petition for the creation of a municipal utility district. Scheduled for Land & Resource on Thursday 3/27.
Development Character
HB 24
Orr et al.
Relating to procedures for changes to a zoning regulation or district boundary. Scheduled for Land & Resource on Thursday 3/27.
HB 186
Relating to county and municipal authority to prohibit the operation of e-cigarette retailers near public primary or secondary schools. Scheduled for House Intergovernmental Affairs on Tuesday 3/25.
HB 2149
Relating to nonconforming land uses after the adoption of or change to a zoning regulation or boundary. Scheduled for Land & Resource on Thursday 3/27.
HB 2559
Patterson et al.
Relating to the imposition by a municipality of a moratorium on property development in certain circumstances. Scheduled for Land & Resource on Thursday 3/27.
HB 3172
Relating to municipal regulation of multifamily and mixed-use development on religious land. Scheduled for Land & Resource on Thursday 3/27
SB 464
Campbell et al.
Relating to county and municipal authority to prohibit the operation of e-cigarette retailers near primary or secondary schools. Scheduled for Local Government on Monday 3/24.
SB 783
Relating to certain regulations adopted by governmental entities for the construction or alteration of residential or commercial buildings. Scheduled for Senate Business & Commerce on Tuesday 3/25.
SB 1882
Relating to the imposition by a municipality of a moratorium on property development in certain circumstances. Scheduled for Local Government on Monday 3/24.
SB 1883
Relating to the approval of land use assumptions, capital improvement plans, and impact fees. Scheduled for Local Government on Monday 3/24.
HB 2797
Relating to the authority of home-rule municipalities to regulate the occupancy of dwelling units. Scheduled for Land & Resource on Thursday 3/27.
SB 1341
Relating to the regulation of manufactured homes. Scheduled for Senate Business & Commerce on Tuesday 3/25.
HB 2063
Fairly et al.
Relating to creating a database of the firefighting equipment in the state available for use in responding to wildfires. Scheduled for House Ag & Livestock on Tuesday 3/25.
HB 3228
Relating to the inclusion of recycling or disposal provisions in certain lease agreements of wind or solar power facilities. Scheduled for House State Affairs on Wednesday 3/26.
SB 7
Perry et al.
Relating to the oversight and financing of certain water infrastructure matters under the jurisdiction of the Texas Water Development Board. Scheduled for Water, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs on Monday, 3/24.
HB 3034
Relating to the enforcement of the prohibition on passing a school bus using images and video from a school bus infraction detection system. Scheduled for House Transportation on Thursday 3/27.
HB 2041
Relating to the criminal offense of passing certain vehicles on a highway. Scheduled for House Transportation on Thursday 3/27.
HB 2270
Relating to the disclosure of certain information regarding a record of a collision or violation involving a person operating a railroad locomotive or train. Scheduled for House Transportation on Thursday 3/27.
SB 1366
Relating to the inclusion of information about construction or maintenance work zones in the curriculum of driver education and driving safety courses. Scheduled for Senate Transportation on Wednesday, 3/26.
The APATX Advocacy Committee is monitoring and evaluating the 2025 89R legislative session with the help of more than 75 APATX members, representing both cities, counties, elected and appointed officials as well as private interests such as consulting firms and developers. The Committee is monitoring almost 200 bills and fully expects the final number to be over 250 bills that have been determined will affect Planning and Development in Texas. The bills are analyzed in the Advocacy Committee Legislative AirTable and are divided into categories by the six Advocacy subcommittees monitoring the legislation. Those 6 subcommittees are Annexation and ETJ, Development Character (Zoning, Platting, Building Codes, etc.), Economic Development/Redevelopment, Environment, Housing, and Transportation. Above is a link to the AirTable containing those bills and by using the search function, a bill can be easily found, with the subcommittee summary of the bill and their level of concern. There is also a link to the actual introduced bill itself, which makes it simple to look up a bill. Feel free to let us know of a bill that is not listed and should be of concern. Also, if you are aware of additional information that would be of interest to the APATX, please let us know. Finally, if you think the APATX Advocacy Committee should have a different opinion, please let us know your reasoning and we will take it into consideration. Even amongst our members there is not unanimity of opinions on certain topics which makes it difficult to develop our position.
The APATX Advocacy email is: advocate@apatexas.org
Feel free to send any comments or suggestions about legislative efforts to this email.
Below are legislative bill alerts in chronological order (most recent alert first) of bills that the Advocacy Committee feels the membership should be aware of and look into, along with a position statement on the bill and whether testimony, letters of support/opposition or emails are needed. House or Senate Committee alerts will also include links to the Committee members so APATX members can determine where they can be most effective.
Handy Links:
- Texas Legislature online - https://capitol.texas.gov/ (Has all links)2. Bill Lookup by number- https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/BillNumber.aspx3. House Committees with links to member information - https://capitol.texas.gov/Committees/CommitteesMbrs.aspx?Chamber=H4. Senate Committees with links to member information – https://capitol.texas.gov/Committees/CommitteesMbrs.aspx?Chamber=S5. Committee meeting calendars and agendas - https://capitol.texas.gov/MnuCommittees.aspx6. House and Senate calendars - https://capitol.texas.gov/MnuCalendars.aspx