Legislative Advocacy and Alerts

Get involved with APATX legislative advocacy efforts!


View the APATX Advocacy Committee Legislative Bill Tracker

The APATX Advocacy Committee is monitoring over 250 bills that have been determined to affect Planning and Development in Texas. The 250+ bills are in the AirTable and are divided into categories by the five subcommittees monitoring the legislation. Those subcommittees are Annexation and ETJ, Development Character (Zoning, Platting, Building Codes, etc.), Economic Development/Redevelopment, Environment, Housing, and Transportation. Following is the AirTable containing those bills and by using the search function, a bill can be easily found, with the subcommittee summary of the bill and their level of concern. There is also a link to the actual introduced bill itself, which makes it simple to look up a bill. Feel free to let us know of a bill that is not listed and should be of concern. Also, if you are aware of additional information that would be of interest to the APATX, please let us know.

Following the AirTable are legislative bill alerts in chronological order (most recent alert first) of bills that the Advocacy Committee seeks support of or opposition to, along with a position statement on the bill and whether testimony, letters of support/opposition or emails are needed. House or Senate Committee alerts will also have a link to the Committee members so APATX members can determine where they can be most effective.

Handy Links:

  1. Texas Legislature online - https://capitol.texas.gov/ (Has all links)
  2. Bill Lookup by number- https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/BillNumber.aspx
  3. House Committees with links to member information - https://capitol.texas.gov/Committees/CommitteesMbrs.aspx?Chamber=H
  4. Senate Committees with links to member information – https://capitol.texas.gov/Committees/CommitteesMbrs.aspx?Chamber=S
  5. Committee meeting calendars and agendas - https://capitol.texas.gov/MnuCommittees.aspx
  6. House and Senate calendars - https://capitol.texas.gov/MnuCalendars.aspx