
APATX Response
The APATX Chapter has returned a response to the proposed APA Bylaws Update.
Read the official Chapter response here!
You can utilize this response to write your own individual response. Remember, each response needs to include your name and APA Member ID number. Send to by December 14, 2023.
View more details about the proposed Bylaws update and the proposal here.

In Memoriam: Richard "Dick" Ransom Lillie, FAICP (1930-2020)
Richard "Dick" Lillie was a much loved and revered icon of planning in Texas. For 40 years he exuded consummate professionalism. His list of professional accomplishments and services is laudable and noteworthy. But the mentoring impact that Dick has had on professionals and academics is downright astonishing...[READ MORE]

APATX 2020 State Conference Goes Digital!
As promised in my last message, APATX is continuing to adjust to COVID and working hard to keep members informed of critical decisions. [Read more]

Message from the President of APA - Texas Chapter
As the COVID public health emergency carries on, APATX has carried on with its business of finding ways to serve the membership best. You may have received a link to a survey a few weeks ago that sought to inform the Chapter of what our members were experiencing. The results have been helpful as we position for what’s next...[Read more]

Tales from a Texas Planning Legend: I've seen this before...
I’m sure some of you will think this title is just begging for the response “OK, Boomer”. Because obviously none of us have seen a fast-acting pandemic like COVID-19 during our lifetimes. But actually, there’s more to the title than you might think. So bear with me...[Read more]

In Memoriam: Rick Mobley, AICP, ASLA, FITE (1958-2020)
His work in the consulting industry served clients across the US including TXDOT and other state DOT's, MPO's and regional and local governmental entities across the country... [READ MORE]

Message from the President of APA - Texas Chapter
I write this from somewhere I never expected to be: sharing a home office with my spouse and six-month-old as directed by my local stay home orders as the United States of America faces down the COVID-19 pandemic...[READ MORE]

APATX Announces 2020 Great Places In Texas Designees!
The Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association is proud to announce the 2020 Great Places in Texas. Great Places in Texas exemplify exceptional character and highlight the role planners and planning play in creating communities of lasting value...[READ MORE]

Tales from a Texas Planning Legend: Been to the Dallas Esplanade lately?
Being called a “Texas Planning Legend” means I’ve been around for awhile. So I could start this piece by saying ‘a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away …’ and you’d be right to wonder whether I was there. But this story actually takes place in a community right here in Texas. And a long time ago is less than 25 years, although for many of us that is very long ago indeed. I’d like to share this story with you since I think it says a lot about vision, tactics and timing...[READ MORE]