2020 Census

The U.S. Census Bureau has extended the deadline to complete 2020 Census forms to September 30, 2020. Also, the Census Bureau is reopening its offices around the state and resuming its field operations. Remember, you can still contact the Census Bureau online at https://2020census.gov/en or by telephone at 800-923-8282.
On May 3, the APA-Texas Chapter Board of Directors established a committee to oversee Chapter education, promotion, and activities related to the 2020 Census. Once a decade, America comes together to count every resident in the United States, creating national awareness of the importance of the census and its valuable statistics. It counts our population and households, providing the basis for reapportioning congressional seats, redistricting, and distributing more than $675 billion in federal funds annually to support states, counties and communities’ vital programs — impacting housing, education, transportation, employment, health care and public policy.

In 2019, Chapter President Doug McDonald, AICP appointed Joey Crumley, AICP, as Chair of the 2020 Census Committee. Joey is the Planning Supervisor for the Department of Campus and District Accountability for the Austin Independent School District and is excited to lead this effort. But we need your help! If you are interested in serving on this committee and assisting the Texas Chapter with education and programs, please contact Joey at jcrumley@austinisd.org.

2020 Census Jobs
The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting to fill hundreds of thousands of temporary positions across the country to assist with the 2020 Census count.
Census Information
- 61 Language Guides (NEW)
- Questions and Answers for Stakeholders Supporting the 2020 Census/Do's and Don'ts (NEW)
- Census Overview Flyer (English)
- Census Overview Flyer (Spanish)
- Census Overview Flyer (Vietnamese)
- Census 101
- Census 101 (Spanish)
- Census 101 (Chinese)
- Census Confidentiality Factsheet
- Census Confidentiality Factsheet (Spanish)
- Census Confidentiality Factsheet (Chinese)
- 2020 Census Overview
- 2020 Census At-A-Glance (part 1)
- 2020 Census At-A-Glance (part 2)
- Census Bureau Data Dissemination
- Census Barriers and Motivators Study
- Census Solutions
- 2020 Census Sample Form
- 50 Ways Census Data Is Used
- How Census Responses Are Invited
- How Census Responses Are Invited (Spanish)
- Four Ways to Respond to Census (Spanish)
- Four Ways to Respond to Census (Vietnamese)
- Census Data Stewardship
- Census Data Stewardship (Spanish)
- Census Data Stewardship (Vietnamese)
Complete Count
Counting Children
- Improving the Counting of Children
- Counting Children
- Census Factsheet: Counting Young Children
- Counting Young Children
- Counting Young Children (Spanish)
Census Links
2020 Census and Local Governments
George Washington University
The Role of the Decennial Census in the Geographic Distribution of Federal Funds
Counting for Dollars 2020 – Texas Table
Council of Great City Schools
Various resources
Count All kids
The 2010 census missed more than 10% of all children under age 5 in the U.S.
Various resources
APA: A Planner’s Call to Action, the 2020 Census
U.S. Census Bureau: Inventory of Complete Count Committees by Geography
Asian Americans and the Census
Census Impact on Public Education
National League of Cities
(last page update: 2/7/20)