In Memoriam: Rick Mobley, AICP, ASLA, FITE (1958-2020)

Rick Mobley, AICP, ASLA, FITE
His work in the consulting industry served clients across the US including TXDOT and other state DOT's, MPO's and regional and local governmental entities across the country. His work has resulted in improved mobility, enhanced quality of life and improved economic performance for the clients he served since he graduated from Texas A&M University with his BS in Landscape Architecture and his Masters of Urban Transportation Planning. Rick had over 38 years of experience in conducting and managing major transportation, site development, urban planning, and design projects across the U.S. He specialized in development of multi-modal transportation solutions for complex single-site developments as well as planning for transportation and design solutions at a regional, multi-state and national level. A unique background in Landscape Architecture and Urban Transportation Planning offered Rick the ability to provide a perspective on transportation solutions few possess. His experience covered all aspects of development and redevelopment including site planning and design, traffic access and circulation, pedestrian and bicycle facility planning and design, transit facility and service planning, parking facility demand analysis and design for specific sites as well as major generators such as CBD's, stadiums, universities, convention centers, hospitals, and hotels.
Rick served as APATX Chapter Treasurer, Membership
Chair, (1998-2002). Major accomplishments included
instituting an enhanced annual process of managing
chapter fiscal affairs based upon adopted goals,
objectives and annual action plan. He secured funding
of the annual Chapter conference with a dedicated
reserve, reduced rates and scholarships for active
students. He computerized the membership database
and streamlined collections and payment functions of
the Chapter. Rick served as past Houston Section Director,
Correspondent and Board Member of the Education
Foundation of the Texas Chapter. He was also the only planner to serve (before and after his term)
as the President of the Texas Section of the Institute
of Transportation Engineers. Rick was a Fellow of ITE and a member of ASLA and a
registered Landscape Architect and CLARB certified.
Rick resided in Houston and is survived by his wife Stacy and their grown children.We have been informed that the Mobley family plans to live stream his service on Rick’s Facebook page beginning at 10:00 am, Friday, April 17, 2020.
Click to view Rick's memorial page and share your kind words and memories!
There will be visitation on Friday from 9-10 AM: