Planners Advocacy Network

Advocate holding sign with hashtag Renew LWCF.

Join the Network

The Planners' Advocacy Network is an APA initiative to engage in grassroots advocacy.

Join the Network through September 9 and save $100 on your Policy and Advocacy Conference registration.

Engaging the grassroots is a way to offer a voice in Washington, D.C., to all of APA's members by providing them with insight into federal issues and connecting them with their legislators.

Join now by visiting My APA and choosing Advocacy & Interests under Profile.

  • Be a leader in shaping APA's policy and advocacy work
  • Gain access to special events, reports, training, and assistance
  • Receive policy event discounts
  • Participate in local events and leadership opportunities
  • Educate and influence your policy makers about planning issues critical to your community.


The Planners' Advocacy Network is free and open to all APA members. You may sign up through My APA.

  • Learn about policy issues that affect planners
  • Communicate with your legislators by letter, email, phone, and social media
  • Become an effective advocate through special training resources and events
  • Connect you with your colleagues in your state to maximize the impact of your advocacy through calls, conferences, and other events
  • Host in-district meetings and special advocacy events

District and State Volunteers

If you are interested in making a deeper commitment to advocacy, consider becoming a State Chair or Congressional District Captian

Congressional District Captain

These volunteers are members who commit to increasing participation in the network. They bring in new members and increase involvement. They are also responsible for one in-district event or action a year.

State Chair

These volunteers are members who have committed to representing their state. They take responsibility for increasing participation in the network, organizing congressional district captains and ensuring that district chairs plan events. These chairs are the top-ranking volunteer in your state.

If you are interested in volunteering for these roles, please speak with your Chapter Leadership or email

The Advocate's Toolbox

Looking for resources to help you make the biggest impact? Consult the Advocate's Toolbox. This chock-full of useful tips for working effectively with elected officials.

APA's policy staff is always available to help chapters, divisions, and individual members with legislative advocacy. Whether you need help with media relations, coalition building, or policy research, APA's policy staff can help. Contact Government Affairs for assistance.

Planning in America

Results From APA's 2012 National Poll

With the U.S. economy struggling, Americans believe community planners should play a major role in helping the nation get back on its feet, according to a national poll released by APA on June 14, 2012.

Two-thirds of Americans believe their community needs more planning to promote economic recovery

The poll found that Americans want planners to focus most on creating jobs—followed by safety, schools, protecting neighborhoods, and water quality.

"Not only to Americans strongly believe community planning is critical to jump starting our nation's economy," said APA CEO Paul Farmer, FAICP, "but a majority want to be personally involved with community planning efforts, whether they live in a city, a suburb, a small town, or rural America."

See the key findings below.