Select session presentations from the 2012 APA Texas Conference have been made available for reference purposes. Please click on the PDF links to view PowerPoint presentations.

Transit-Oriented Development

Comparative Urban Redevelopment HUD Grants, Complicated Financing, and Projects

Dallas Comprehensive Approach to Neighborhood Redevelopment

  • Case Studies [error uploading]

Downtown Plans That Make a Difference

Expanding Opportunities for Community Engagement

Implementing Bike Plans in Texas - Pecha Kucha Style

Innovative Implementation in a Challenging Investment Climate

The Interface of Transit and Bike Pedestrian Enhancements

Leveraging Federal Sustainable Communities

Megaregional Synergy: The Intersection of Teaching, Research, and Practice

The Military-Community Interface—Planning Near Military Airports

North Texas Municipal Design Studios

Not Just a Plan - A Strategic Management System

The Planner's Role in Petroleum Exploration

Quantifying the Value of Green

Strategies for Implementing Complete Streets

Sustainable Development Efforts in the Texas Metro MPOs

Sustaining Places with Comprehensive Plans

Transforming Suburban Arterials Into Complete Streets Through Form-Based Codes

  • Transforming Suburban Arterials with Form-Based Codes [Error 500]
  • Transforming Suburban Arterials Into Complete Streets [Error 500]

Urban Natural Gas Production - Planning and Legal Issues

View the FBC Trenches

Water Planning in Texas

Short Course Sessions

Introduction to Complete Streets

Social Media & Participation

  • Using Public Participation and Social Media

Miscellaneous Sessions